Adult Grading Syllabus – AKA Karate Poole & Kickboxing

Adult Grading Syllabus

Click on the belt icons to find grading information.

Combat Karate

Counting in Japanese for Karate

1-20 in Japanese for Karate

Striking Short Numbers or Code

  1. Kizami Zuki (Jab)
  2. Gyaku Zuki (Cross)
  3. Kagi Zuki (Hook)
  4. Ura Zuki (Uppercut)
  • Front = Mae Geri
  • Round = Mawashi Geri
  • Side = Yoko Geri

Adult Grading Syllabus

9th Kyu Red Belt

Minimum 3 months training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Front Kick
  • Round Kick
  • Side Kick

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks
  • Kick Defence
  • Yori Ashi

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • Yoko Ukemi (Side Breakfall)
  • Osoto Gari
  • Ouchi Gari 
  • Kubi Nage

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Straight Punch
  • Hook Punch

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • Tate-shiho-gatame (mount)
  • Yoko-shiho-gatame (side control)
  • Mune-gatame (side control knees close)


  • Tai Shodan


  • Club Informal Sparring
  • Light Randori

8th Kyu Orange Belt

Minimum 3 months training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Front Kick
  • Round Kick
  • Side Kick
  • Knee

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Ayumi Ashi

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • Ushiro Ukemi (Back Breakfall)
  • Ashitori (single leg takedown)
  • Osoto otoshi (Major Outer Drop)
  • Ashi Barai (foot sweeps)
  • Ura Nage (back Throw)

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Straight Punch
  • Hook Punch
  • Uppercut

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • Kesa-gatame (scarf hold)
  • Niju Garami (lockdown/half mount)
  • Strikes from kneeling

Combination Techniques

  • 1-2
  • 1-3
  • 1-4
  • 1-Round
  • x2
  • 2 x Take-downs to Hold-downs


  • Kumite Kata 1


  • Club Informal Sparring
  • Light Randori

7th Kyu Yellow Belt

Minimum 3 months training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Front Kick
  • Round Kick
  • Side Kick
  • Push Kick
  • Knee

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Ayumi Ashi

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • Ushiro Ukemi (Back Breakfall)
  • Ashitori (single leg takedown)
  • Osoto otoshi (Major Outer Drop)
  • Ashi Barai (foot sweeps)
  • Ura Nage (back Throw)

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Straight Punch
  • Hook Punch
  • Uppercut

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • Kesa-gatame (scarf hold)
  • Niju Garami (lockdown/half mount)
  • Strikes from kneeling

Combination Techniques

  • 1-2
  • 1-3
  • 1-4
  • 1-Round
  • x2
  • 2 x Take-downs to Hold-downs


  • Kumite Kata 1


  • Club Informal Sparring
  • Light Randori

6th Kyu Green Belt

Minimum 3 months training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Front Leg Kicks
  • Uchi Mawashi Geri (inside round kick)
  • Back Kick
  • Knees

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Tsugi ashi, Pivot

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • Breakfalls
  • Single Leg x2
  • Double Leg
  • Ogoshi
  • Koshi guruma
  • Ura Nage (front and side variations)

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Ridge Hand
  • Back Fist
  • Body Punches

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • Kesa-gatame (scarf hold)
  • Niju Garami (lockdown/half mount)
  • Mount
  • Reverse Mount
  • Strikes from kneeling
  • x 2 Arm Locks
  • x2 Chokes

Combination Techniques

  • 1-Round
  • 1 slip 2
  • 1-2-3
  • 1-4-3-4
  • 1-2-Round
  • Front -1
  • 1 – Front
  • x3 Takedowns to Holddowns


  • Kumite Kata 2


  • Club Sparring
  • Randori

5th Kyu Purple Belt

Minimum 6 months regular training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Basic kicks plus Hook Kick

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Footwork

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • Breakfalls
  • High Crouch
  • Yagura Nage
  • Seoi Nage 

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Ridge Hand
  • Back Fist
  • Spinning Back Fist

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • x 4 Holddowns
  • Ground Pound
  • Upright Grappling
  • Duck Under
  • x 3 Arm Locks
  • x 3 Chokes
  • Ankle Lock

Combination Techniques

  • 1 slip 2
  • 1-2-3
  • 1-4-3-4
  • 1-2-Round
  • 1-2-Kizami Round
  • Round – 2
  • Front -1
  • 2- Kizami Front
  • 1 – Front
  • Kizami Side – Round
  • x3 Takedowns to Holddowns


  • Kumite Kata 1 & 2


  • Interclub and/or Competition
  • Randori

4th Kyu Purple belt with white stripe

Minimum 6 months regular training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Basic kicks plus
  • Spinning Heel Kick
  • Jump Kick

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Footwork

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • Breakfalls
  • High Crouch
  • Yagura Nage
  • Seoi Nage
  • Counter Throws 
  • x2 escapes from ground
  • x1 escape from standing

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Proficient Striking
  • Elbows

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • x 4 Holddowns
  • Ground Pound
  • Upright Grappling (clinching)
  • Duck Under
  • x 3 Arm Locks
  • x 3 Chokes
  • Ankle Lock

Combination Techniques

  • Examiner Choice of Combos
  • Slips, Ducks, Lean Backs, Footwork
  • x4 Takedowns to Holddowns
  • Strikes into takedowns


  • Kumite Kata 3


  • 30 Points in Interclub and/or Competition
  • Randori

2nd Kyu Brown Belt

Minimum 9 months training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Proficient Kicking

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Footwork

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • Breakfalls
  • High Crouch
  • Yagura Nage
  • Seoi Nage
  • Counter Throws 
  • x2 escapes from ground
  • x1 escape from standing

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Proficient Striking
  • Elbows

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • x 4 Holddowns
  • Ground Pound
  • Upright Grappling (clinching)
  • Duck Under
  • x 3 Arm Locks
  • x 3 Chokes
  • Ankle Lock

Combination Techniques

  • Examiner Choice of Combos
  • Slips, Ducks, Lean Backs, Footwork
  • x4 Takedowns to Holddowns
  • Strikes into takedowns
  • Takedowns to Ground and Pound


  • Kumite Kata 3


  • 40 Points in Interclub and/or Competition
  • Randori

1st Kyu Brown Belt

Minimum 12 months regular training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Proficient Kicking
  • Nidan Geri

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Footwork

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • Breakfalls
  • Ankle Pick
  • Outside Leg Trip
  • Counter Throws 
  • x3 escapes from ground
  • x2 escape from standin

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Proficient Striking

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • x 4 Holddowns
  • Ground Pound
  • Upright Grappling (clinching)
  • x 3 Arm Locks
  • x 3 Chokes
  • Ankle Lock

Combination Techniques

  • Examiner Choice of Combos
  • Slips, Ducks, Lean Backs, Footwork
  • x4 Takedowns to Holddowns
  • Strikes into takedowns
  • Takedowns to Ground and Pound
  • Takedowns to Submission


  • Kumite Kata 4


  • 50 Points in Interclub and/or Competition
  • Randori


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Proficient Kicking

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Footwork

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • x5 throws
  • x3 escapes from ground
  • x2 escape from standin

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Proficient Striking

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • x 4 Holddowns
  • Ground Pound
  • Upright Grappling (clinching)
  • x 3 Arm Locks
  • x 3 Chokes
  • Ankle Lock

Combination Techniques

  • Examiner Choice of Combos
  • Slips, Ducks, Lean Backs, Footwork
  • x4 Takedowns to Holddowns
  • Strikes into takedowns
  • Takedowns to Ground and Pound
  • Takedowns to Submission


  • Kumite Kata 4


  • 60 Points in Interclub and/or Competition
  • Randori

1st Dan Black Belt

Minimum 12 months regular training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Proficient Kicking

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Footwork

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • x5 throws
  • x3 escapes from ground
  • x2 escape from standin

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Proficient Striking

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • x 4 Holddowns
  • Ground Pound
  • Upright Grappling (clinching)
  • x 3 Arm Locks
  • x 3 Chokes
  • Ankle Lock

Combination Techniques

  • Examiner Choice of Combos
  • Slips, Ducks, Lean Backs, Footwork
  • x4 Takedowns to Holddowns
  • Strikes into takedowns
  • Takedowns to Ground and Pound
  • Takedowns to Submission


  • Kumite Kata 4


  • 60 Points in Interclub and/or Competition
  • Randori

2nd Dan Black Belt

Minimum 36 months regular training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Proficient Kicking

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Footwork

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • x6 Throws
  • x3 escapes from ground
  • x2 escape from standing

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Proficient Striking

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • x 4 Holddowns
  • Ground Pound
  • Upright Grappling (clinching)
  • x 3 Arm Locks
  • x 3 Chokes
  • Ankle Lock

Combination Techniques

  • Examiner Choice of Combos
  • Slips, Ducks, Lean Backs, Footwork
  • x4 Takedowns to Holddowns
  • Strikes into takedowns
  • Takedowns to Ground and Pound
  • Takedowns to Submission


  • Kumite Kata 4

Extra Requirements

Effective teaching using correct principles


  • 100 Points in Interclub and/or Competition
  • Randori x 3 attackers

3rd Dan Black Belt

Minimum 38 months regular training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Proficient Kicking

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Footwork

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • x8 Throws
  • x3 escapes from ground
  • x2 escape from standing

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Proficient Striking

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • x 5 Holddowns
  • Ground Pound
  • Upright Grappling (clinching)
  • x 3 Arm Locks
  • x 3 Chokes
  • Ankle Lock

Combination Techniques

  • Examiner Choice of Combos
  • Slips, Ducks, Lean Backs, Footwork
  • x6 Takedowns to Holddowns
  • Strikes into takedowns
  • Takedowns to Ground and Pound
  • Takedowns to Submission


  • Kumite 1- 4

Extra Requirements

Effective teaching using correct principles


  • 100 Points in Interclub and/or Competition
  • Randori x 3 attackers

3rd Dan Black Belt

Minimum 38 months regular training


Geri Waza (Kicking)

  • Proficient Kicking

Uke (Striking defence)

  • Blocks & Counters
  • Kick Defence & Counters
  • Slips, Parries and Block
  • Footwork

Nage Waza (Throws)

  • x8 Throws
  • x3 escapes from ground
  • x2 escape from standing

Atemi waza (Striking)

  • Proficient Striking

Katame waza (Grappling)

  • x 5 Holddowns
  • Ground Pound
  • Upright Grappling (clinching)
  • x 3 Arm Locks
  • x 3 Chokes
  • Ankle Lock

Combination Techniques

  • Examiner Choice of Combos
  • Slips, Ducks, Lean Backs, Footwork
  • x6 Takedowns to Holddowns
  • Strikes into takedowns
  • Takedowns to Ground and Pound
  • Takedowns to Submission


  • Kumite 1- 4

Extra Requirements

Effective teaching using correct principles


  • 100 Points in Interclub and/or Competition
  • Randori x 3 attackers
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